Information for Sponsors and Exhibitors
Sponsor Our Meeting
The Joint Conference of the Society for Economic Botany and Society of Ethnobiology will be held on June 4-9, 2023 at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, where we will host 300+ international attendees from academia, industry, nonprofit institutions, and government. The unique format of the 5-day conferences is designed to maximize productive interaction and discussion between delegates. As a hybrid conference, in addition to the 300+ participants expected to attend in-person, we also anticipate an additional 150+ virtual registrants from across the globe. On site activities include hands-on workshops, panels, round-table discussions, plenary and keynote presentations, poster session (including submissions from virtual participants), thematic symposia, a selection of talks from submitted abstracts, and more.
In order to offset some of the costs of the event to make registration affordable to delegates and to pay the expenses of the invited speakers and discussion leaders, as well as other participants (i.e., young investigators and students), we are seeking additional support from colleagues in both academia and industry with an interest in botanicals, ethnobiology, conservation, natural products, and bioactive compounds.
This year, we have several donations tiers available to our sponsors, outlined below. These sponsorships are available on a first come, first serve basis. Please email the Conference Chair, Dr. Cassandra Quave (cquave[at] for more information on sponsoring the meeting.
In addition to sponsorship tiers, there are options for exhibitors described below.
Your contribution as a sponsor would be greatly appreciated and will increase the vitality and scientific excellence that is a hallmark of this conference. Participation in the conference will also open up incredible opportunities for your organization to network both with leaders in the field and to scout talented graduate students and postdoctoral fellows for the job market. If you are willing to contribute, please submit your donation by card to the 2023 conference to or mail a check to the following address:
Society for Economic Botany
ATTN: SEB/SOE 2023 Meeting Organizer
4344 Shaw Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63110
I hope that you will be able to assist us by supporting this important and exciting conference. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Quave (cquave[at]*Your logo will be used in all media (conference program, website sponsor page, rotating display monitors in the exhibit hall).
**Option to have your sponsorship recognized with additional mentions/thanks/logo display at a particular event of your choice at the conference. Examples include one of the six major symposium themes, our opening keynote speaker session, the poster session, the welcoming reception, coffee breaks, field trips, evening social events (ice cream social and DEI round tables, documentary film screening, student social), or the final banquet.
***The symposium block will be a dedicated 2.5-hour symposium to be organized by the sponsor with input from the conference chair and organizing committee. The intent of this symposium must be for educational purposes and scientific exchange. Each symposium block can accommodate up to 7 speakers (7 x 20-minute talks) or can also be formatted as a discussion panel, or combination of a longer keynote followed by short talks. Symposia will be held in concurrent sessions during the conference. All concurrent sessions will also be livestreamed to virtual delegates.
****One guaranteed speaker slot at the conference with input from the conference chair and organizing committee. The intent of this speaker slot must be for educational purposes and scientific exchange.
Exhibit at Our Meeting
In addition to sponsorship tiers, we also have opportunities for a limited number of exhibitors. Exhibitors will be provided with a 6’ skirted table, wireless internet connection, electricity, and two chairs for the duration of the conference. All of the coffee breaks at the conference will be held in the exhibitor hall to encourage networking at the display tables. The cost per exhibitor package is $2,000. Note that Premier and Platinum Sponsors will receive a complimentary exhibitor package. You can also pair your Exhibitor Package with a Sponsorship Tier Package to include advertising for your logo in all conference media.