The Society for Ethnobotany

Fostering research and education on the past, present, and future uses of plants by people.

Conference Travel Assistance and Awards

To support our members, the Society of Economic Botany (SEB) and Society of Ethnobiology (SoE) are offering awards to offset the cost of attending the conference.

Members of the Society for Economic Botany should refer to the Conference Assistance Awards page for more information on the award and instructions on how to apply.

Members of the Society of Ethnobiology should refer to the Awards and Fellowship page for more information of award types and instructions on how to apply.

Childcare Assistance Awards
We will provide up to six childcare assistance awards. The maximum award amount for this grant is $350. These awards are designed to assist members whose in-person attendance at the meeting incurs extra childcare-related expenses. Information on local childcare options and camps is provided here

The awardee must send the receipt for childcare expenses via email to Heather Cacanindin ( at least two weeks prior to the conference (by May 19th) to be reimbursed. If the childcare expenses are $350 or less, the full amount on the receipt(s) is reimbursed. If the childcare expenses are more than $350, then $350 will be reimbursed. The reimbursement cheque will be disbursed at the conference registration table.

Eligibility and Application Process: Applicants must be a current member of the society (SEB or SoE) and provide a Childcare Funding Needs statement, which should explain the specific circumstances for which you are requesting funding. Applications for this fund will open on April 1st and the final deadline is April 25th. Award recipients will be notified by May 1st. Email your request to Dr. Cassandra Quave at

Expectations: Award recipients are expected to present their research (in-person poster or oral presentation) at the conference.