The Society for Ethnobotany

Fostering research and education on the past, present, and future uses of plants by people.

Edmund H. Fulling Award

It is seldom possible to point to a single person who has been the major founder of a concept in a scientific discipline. It is also difficult to find a particular book or article in which the founder has clearly enunciated the total concepts he has set forth. This is true in the “interdiscipline” of economic botany. The term, economic botany, was used by others earlier, but it is safe to say that Edmund Henry Fulling, who died June 26, 1975, was more responsible for establishing the modern concepts of economic botany than any other man. There are a few philanthropists who have supported various good endeavors with not only their own financial resources but also their full life’s efforts as well, and Ed Fulling was certainly one of these. Dr. Fulling not only founded the journal Economic Botany, but he also was the first editor (1947-1957) and did all the work required to get a scientific publication out. He paid all the costs. When the Society for Economic Botany, now named the Society for Ethnobotany, was formed in 1959, Dr. Fulling was an enthusiastic sponsor. He donated a sizeable sum to aid the fledgling Society during its early growth, and in addition gave, as usual, his excellent counsel on the form and function of the Society. The Edmund H. Fulling award honors his life and scientific pursuits.

This award is given for the best contributed oral paper at the annual meeting by a graduate student or junior professional with a degree for no more than five years. The award is a certificate plus $500.00. The paper is invited to be published in Economic Botany, subject to normal review. When sending an abstract for a paper to be presented at the annual meeting, the applicant should indicate that they are eligible for this award. At the meetings, a three person ad-hoc committee judges papers presented at the annual meeting.

Tabitha Faber, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Diversity in relationship: understanding relationships between apazote (Dysphania ambrosioides) and people across communities in Guatemala"

Margret Veltman, University of Oslo, Natural History Museum
"Identification of edible orchids from the Mediterranean: “salep” across the centuries"

Gabriela Garcia
, Tufts University
"An integrated understanding of coffee alternate bearing and feedbacks with farmer decision-making across scales"

2020-2021 - No Awards Given

Teal Jordan,
Pennsylvania State University
"Ramping up the harvest: Phytochemical variation in Allium tricoccum across the growing season in Pennsylvania"

Honorable Mention
Madeline Donald, University of British Columbia Okanagan
"A Shaded Understory: Interacting With Associated Species In Trinidadian Cocoa Agroforestry"

Fabien Schultz
, Technical University of Berlin / Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences
"East and Central African medicinal plants as inflammatory inhibitors in the 15-LOX / 15-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and COX / PGH2 pathways

Matthew Bond, University of Hawaii
“Biocultural Impacts of Climatically Shifting Plant Distributions”

Honorable Mention
Charles Wagner, North Carolina State University
“Novel Ethnopharmacology of Antibiotic Plants from Medieval Celtic Herbals”

Chelsie Romulo, George Mason University
"Mauritia flexuosa fruit trade in Loreto, Peru: market drivers for extraction and potential for conservation interventions"

Andrew Semotuik, University of California, Riverside
Market and nonmarket incentives drive land use by the Yoreme-Mayo.

Michael McCampbell, Frostburg State University
Seedling Establishment of American Chestnut, Castanea dentata, in Pennsylvania.

Alexandra Towns, Naturalis Biodviersity Center at Leiden University, Netherlands
Maternal Health through an Ethnobotanical Lens: Comparing Local Perceptions of Women’s Reproductive Healthcare with International Health Priorities in Benin & Gabon.

Rachel Meyer, City University of New York, New York Botanical Garden
An investigation of the molecular and chemical differences among Asian eggplant lineages in the context of their history of domestication and utilization.

Janna Rose, Florida International University
Bacterial inhibition and Cytotoxic properties of Plants used to Treat Diarrhea in Central Anatolian Villages.

Ashley DuVal, Yale University
Selection, management and diffusion of Açaí Branco by smallholder farmers in the amazon estuary.

Anna Bailie, McGill University
Phytogeographical and genetic variation in mountain ash, Sorbus spp., a traditional medicinal plant of the James Bay Cree.

Nanci Ross, University of Connecticut
Impacts of ancient Maya forest gardens of Mesoamerican tree species composition: How to approach this idea?

Cassandra Quave, Florida International University
The Search for New Anti-staphylococcal Leads: Comparing the Antibacterial Efficiency of Italian Plants Based on Ethnobotanical Use Categories.

Joanna L. Michel
, University of Illinois at Chicago
Medical Ethnobotany of the Q'wqchi Maya: Perceptions and botanical treatments related to women's health.


Joanne Birch, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
The Gideon Lincecum Herbarium: The floristic analysis of an ethnobotanic collection.

Selima M. Campbell, Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
The spatial and temporal distribution of sanguinarine alkaloid in Sanguinaria canadensis L. (bloodroot).

My Lien Nguyen, University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Some Like it Hot...and Sour. The Ethnobiological Evolution of "Canh Chua Cá Lóc" in Vietnamese Migrations.

Eve Emshwiller
Conservation and evolution of clonally-propagated crops: what do we need to know?

Adriana Otero, Alejandro Casas, Carmen Bartolo, Edgar Pérez-Negrón, and Alfonso Valiente-Banuet
Evolutionary changes in reproductive biology of Polaskia chichipe (Cactaceae) associated with domestication in the Tehuacán Valley, central Mexico.

Puanani Anderson-Wong, University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Returning the beloved plant laua¹e maoli to the Hawaiian people and clarifying the role of the invasive alien laua'e (Phymatosorus grossus) holds significance for cultural and natural conservation efforts.

Tamara Ticktin
Impacts of harvest on populations of Aechmea magdalenae: considering the effects of ecological and human variation.

No Award granted
Annual Meeting was held in St. Louis, Missouri in conjunction with the XVI International Botanical Congress.

Patti Anderson
Demography and Sustainable Harvesting of the Palm, Iriartea deltoidea in Amazonian Ecuador.

Julie V. Runk
Non-timber Forest ProductsUsed for Crafts in Panama's Darien: Preliminary Findings.

Christiane Ehringhaus
Medicinal Uses of Piper (Piperaceae) in an Indigenous Kaxinawa Community in Acre, Brazil.

Will McClatchey
A Role for Linguistic Data in Determination of Phylogenetic Relationships of Western Pacific Species of Metroxylon (Arecaceae).

Andrew Brown
Pharmacologically Active Plants from the Genus Tanacetum.

Melinda Ostraff
A Fuzzy Set Alternative to Clustering Methods to Analyze Dissemination of Indigenous Technical Information.

A. I. Batis-Munoz
The Quantitative Ethnobotanical Analysis of Vegetable Products of Five Hectares in the Selva Alta in Tropical Mexico.

Daniela Soleri
Morphological, Phenological and Genetic Comparisons of Two Maize Varieties In Situ and Ex Situ.

Ellen Dean
Ethnobotany of Lycianthes series Meizonodontae in Mexico.

Oliver Phillips (co-authored with Alwyn Gentry)
Implications for Conservation of a New Approach to Quantitative Ethnobotany

Lyn A. Bohs-Sperry
New Perspectives on the Origin and Evolution of the Tree Tomato, Cyphomandra betaceae (Solanaceae).

David M. Spooner
Current Status, Recent Work, and Long Range Collecting Priorities for IRT1.

Diane Ragone
Collection and Evaluation of Breadfruit Germplasm in the Pacific Islands.

David E. Williams
Evidence for the Origin of the Erect Peanut, Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata Waldron.

David G. Campbell (co-authored with Arito Rosas, Jr.)
Socioeconomic Aspects of Amazonian Rubber Tapping.

Linda E. Newstrom
The Origin of Chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.), Cucurbitaceae.

Timothy Johns
A Chemical Ecological Perspective on the Domestication of the Potato.

Charlotte Gyllenhaal
Nutrient Dynamics of Shifting Cultivation: An Experimental Approach.

Janis B. Alcorn
Commercial and Subsistence Products for Huastec Managed Forests in Northeastern Mexico.

John F. Doebley (co-authored with Major M. Goodman and Charles W. Stuber)
Isoenzymatic Varieties in Zea (Gramineae).

Thomas C. Andres (co-authored with Hugh D. Wilson)
Biosystematic Analysis of the Cucurbita pepo/C. texana complex: Phenetic Variation.

Robert Bye, Jr. and Tilton Davis, IV
Ethnobotanical Notes on Jaltomata (Solanaceae) in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Wilma Wetterstrom
Ecology and Agriculture in Predynastic Egypt.

Hugh D. Wilson
Chenopodium quinoa Willd. of Southern South America: Variation, Relationships and Agronomic Value.