Richard Evans Schultes Research Award
The Schultes Award was created in 2001 to honor the late Dr. Richard Evans Schultes. One or more awards of up to $2500 are presented annually to students and recent graduates who are members of the Society for Ethnobotany, to help defray the costs of field work on a topic related to ethnobotany.
Richard E. Schultes (12 January 1915-10 April 2001): A Tribute by Sir Ghillean T. Prance (includes Schultes bibliography)
This award is now open!
Deadline to apply is April 1, 2025.
Applicants must be student members of the Society, or members who have received their degree within a year of the application deadline.Proposals
1. Proposals must consist of a single, 4 page pdf file (no smaller than 11 Times New Roman or Arial fonts with 1" margin) which includes:
a) 2 pages describing the proposed research, including literature cited,
b) 1 page tabular budget which identifies how funds will be allocated,
c) 1 page CV.
2. In addition, an email message from the applicant’s major advisor confirming current MS, PhD or Post-doc status should be sent to Additional testimonials or letters of recommendation are no longer accepted as part of award proposals.
Submit Your Application - Deadline is April 1, 2025 (Midnight Pacific Time)
Current SEB members can access the awards portal by clicking here and logging in with your SEB ID/Password. Once signed in, click on the "2025 - Richard Evans Schultes Research Award" link and you should see a blue button that says "+ Create New Application" at the bottom if your login was successful.
Please feel free to email with any questions about the award and application process.
Applicants will be judged by an ad-hoc committee of Society members. Applicants will be notified of their award status by June 30 of each year.
Writing a successful proposalSuccessful proposals convincingly describe work that has potential to advance knowledge in ethnobotany and detail an appropriate methodology to accomplish this work. They include a brief conceptual background and relevant literature citations that contextualize the importance of the work, a well justified budget request that shows how these award funds will be used (or what part this award will play in a larger project). Proposals that include broader impacts, including broadening participation or building capacity in the field of ethnobotany, give-back to local communities, etc., will be more highly rated. The most successful proposals contain both a) a plan for novel and exciting work and b) evidence demonstrating that the necessary resources (e.g., training, time, local contacts) are available to successfully implement that plan.
Within nine months of receiving the award, the recipient will submit a brief (one to two page double-spaced) narrative of their project to be posted on the Society website that include as relevant:
a) Title of project, year of grant, your name, affiliated organizations,
b) Contacts made (people & organizations) that were helpful,
c) Geographic and place names of research locations,
d) Description of vegetation and terrain,
e) Where the collections are / will be deposited,
f) Broader impacts / significance of research,
g) One or two photos.
Click here to see an example of a report from a past awardee for reference.
Recipients are strongly encouraged to submit a manuscript based upon their research and acknowledging this award for publication in Economic Botany.
Please contact or with any questions.
Kimberly P. Castro - Universität Zürich, "AMAZONIAN SMELLSCAPES: The Healing Forest sensed by Indigenous People"
Honorable Mentions:
1st Rachel Palkovitz - Pennsylvania State University, "The influence of ginseng growing and planting on American ginseng lineages in North America"
2nd Savannah Anez - Pennsylvania State University, "An Ethno-Directed Evaluation of the Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of Ghost Pipe (Monotropa uniflora)"
Cekouat Elim Leon Peralta - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, "Mexican Traditional Paper: Connecting Past Knowledge with Modern Practices"
Amish Dua - "Healing the Herds: An exploration to document the ethnoveterinary practices of the Palsi shepherds in the Western Himalayas"
Alexander Greene - University of Kent and National Geographic Explorer, "Rotation and Transformation: The dynamics of changing agricultural knowledge and practice in the Hmong diaspora."
Julia Douglas - University of Hawaii, "The biocultural restoration of epiphytic orchids in Oaxaca"
James Lucas - Washington University-St. Louis, "Following the paper trail: Using population ecology to inform conservation of an endangered papermaking tradition in Vietnam."Grace Ward - Washington University-St. Louis, "The historical ecology of hunter gatherers in the Lower Mississippi Valley."
David Felipe Rodriguez Mora - North Carolina State University - Honorable mention - "Integrating ecomorphology and ethnoecology to test Cofán ethnovarietal classification of Banisteriopsis caapi in southwestern Colombia."
Lilly Zeitler - University of Kent - Honorable mention - "Understanding the role of ethnic and religious diversity in medicinal plant
use between Tai Yai and Lisu Buddhists and Christians in northern Thailand."
Amanda Thiel, Washington State University, "Cultural Values and Ethnobotanical Knowledge among the Q’eqchi Maya in Guatemala."
Alain Ngute, University of Dschang, West Cameron, "Beyond Timber the commercialization of edible caterpillars in Cameroon."
Ashley Glenn, University of Canterbury at Kent
Michael Coe and Richard Tate,
Research In-Progress
Anne Lucy S. Virnig, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, "From molecular systems to human systems: An interdisciplinary approach to evaluating antioxidant activity and conservation in the neotropical blueberries."
Research In-Progress
Tegan McGillivray, University of Wisconsin-Madison, she did not supply a title for her project. Her request was for support to undertake field research at a series of comparable Bronze and Iron Age sites located along the Red River, Vietnam.
Research In-Progress
Lauren Moscoe, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Oca (Oxalis tuberosa) diversity and population structure in two communities in Cusco, Peru."
Research In-Progress
Hugo De Boer, Uppsala University, "Steam sauna, hot beds and mother roasting: Medicinal plants and postpartum recovery among the Brou, Sake and Kry (Laos)."
Research In-Progress
Paula Brown, University of British Columbia Okanagan, "Kava (Piper methysticum): A Traditional Crop in Modern Markets."
Research In-Progress
Sushma Shrestha, Miami University, "Global Localism at the Manaslu Conservation Area in the Eastern Himalayas, Nepal: Integrating ecological and ethnobotanical knowledge about forests for biodiversity conservation."
Research In-Progress
Ashley DuVal, Yale School of Forestry, "Domestication of Açaí in Home Gardens of the Amazon Estuary."
Research In-Progress
Lisa Mandle, University of Hawai`i at Manoa, "The Effects of Landscape Management and Harvesting Practices on Non-timber Forest Product Populations and Communities in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India."
Research In-Progress
Nanci J. Ross, University of Connecticut, "Impact Assessment of Ancient Maya Forest Gardens."
Research In-Progress
Anthony Amend, University of Hawai`i at Manoa, "Harvesting Effects and Population Genetics of Tricholoma matsutake in Shangri-La, China."
Andrew S. Roberts, City University of New York, Institute of Economic Botany, New York Botanical Garden, "Fields in Transition, Livelihoods in Transition: agrodiversity and incremental change in smallholder managed landscapes in Cambodia."
Research In-Progress
Heather McMillen, University of Hawai`i at Manoa, "Ethnoecology of Medicinal Plants in Tanzania."
Christiane Ehringhaus, Yale University, "Post-victory Challenges: Non-timber Forest Product Use and Marketing in Amazonian Extractive Reserves."
Honorable Mention
Jennifer Crus-Sanders and Angela Steward
Michael P. Gilmore, Miami University, "An Ethnobiological and Ethnoecological Study of the Maijuna Indians, Peruvian Amazon."
Patrick Owen, McGill University, "Antidiabetic Properties of Traditional Food and Medicinal Plants Used for the Treatment of NIDDM among Transitional Communities of Papua New Guinea."
Julie L. Velasquez Runk, Yale University "And the Creator Began to Carve Us of Cocobolo: Historical Ecology of Wbunaan Forest Use in Eastern Panama."
Honorable Mention
Amanda Koch, University of Illinois, Chicago, "Medical Ethnobotany of the Maasai."