About SEB
The Society for Ethnobotany (SEB) is for people exploring the uses of plants and the relationships among plants, cultures, and our environment. In June 2023, the Society’s name changed from the Society for Economic Botany to the Society for Ethnobotany. Ethnobotany, termed “the science of survival,” encompasses a wide variety of studies of plants’ many roles in human affairs.
SEB 2025 MEETINGWe are excited to announce that next year's SEB meeting will take place in early June in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will take place at the Czech University of Life Sciences and will be run by a European organizing team that has put on several past international conferences at the university. Finalized dates, field trips, and registration is all in the initial stage of organization and will be announced in the late summer/early fall. In the heart of Europe, this meeting will draw a truly international crowd from the ethnobotanical community. You won't want to miss it! Stay tuned to SEB emails for more information and plan to join us next June in Prague!
Click here for more information as it becomes available.
Our Favorite Plants
Do you have a favorite plant? What makes a plant interesting and useful? Members of the Society for Ethnobotany have put together short web pages on their favorite plants: Our Favorite Plants. You can read through pages on plants such as wheat, golden root, and belladonna. The Society plans to expand the number of plants on the page. Society for Ethnobotany members are welcome and encouraged to contribute a page on their own favorite plant. For more information contact Blair Orr, blairorr@ymail.com (Note: ymail, not gmail).