Economic Botany 2017
Economic Botany 2017, Bragança, Portugal
On behalf of the Society for Economic Botany, we are pleased to announce that the 58thSEB Annual Conference and the II Encontro Hispano Português de Etnobiologia (2º Encuentro Hispano Portugués de Etnobiología) will be held from June 4-9th, 2017, in Bragança
The joint meeting of the Society for Economic Botany and the Encontro Hispano Português de Etnobiologia (EHPE) will be hosted by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) and the Mountain Research Centre (CIMO). More information on the host institution is available here:
IPB is a public higher education institution, founded in 1983, with around 400 faculty members and 7000 students. CIMO was founded in 2003 at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and is part of the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) research centers network. The centre is focused on the improvement and valorization of mountain ecosystems. It includes 164 members with multidisciplinary backgrounds.
The IPB Campus is near the city center. Bragança is a small city of 25,000 inhabitants, established in 1187. It is located in the mountainous Northeastern Portugal in a natural, historical and culturally rich environment which is of value for the conference, providing unique opportunities for field trips and workshops.
The conference website is:
Please save the date for SEB & EHPE and join us next year in Portugal!
Thank you to our meeting organizer, Ana Maria Carvalho (CIMO)!
Best wishes,
Cassandra Quave, Past-President
Society for Economic Botany