Economic Botany 2008
The 49th Annual Meeting
June 1 - June 5, 2008
Symposium: Building Upon the Legacy of Botanical Education and Traditional Knowledge
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Peter Raven

Peter Raven
Missouri Botanical Garden
Hosted by: The Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University, North Carolina Botanical Garden at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the J. C. Raulston Arboretum at North Carolina State University
A day-long symposium will focus on the diverse roles gardens currently play in botanical education. We will look at how they can become more involved in classes and programs to preserve the future of botanical knowledge and research, and how they can better communicate the importance of plants in all aspects of human activities to a wide range of audiences from university and K-12 students to life-long learners. Economic botany and ethnobotany, which underscore the relevance and vital nature of plants in the full scope of past, present, and future human activities, are a good fit for new curricula that emphasize interdisciplinary studies. We will highlight how economic botany at the interface of human-plant interactions offers opportunity for new directions and greater versatility in botanical teaching and research. A key objective of the symposium will be to put the teaching and dissemination of botanical knowledge into historical perspective, characterize the changes in university curricula and programs today, elucidate how those changes are impacting the teaching of botany, delineate the challenges we face, and discuss how botanical gardens can embrace economic botany/ethnobotany to exhibit creative leadership for breathing new life into programs that will proactively shape a secure future for botany.
Local Organizing Committee
Mary Eubanks, Duke University
Richard A. White, Director of the Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Peter White, Director of the North Carolina Botanical Garden
Dennis Werner, Director of the J. C. Raulston Arboretum
The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany will be held at Duke University in Durham, NC, June 1-5, 2008. The meeting is sponsored by the Sarah P. Duke Gardens, the North Carolina Botanical Garden, and the J. C. Raulston Arboretum. Members of the local arrangements committee are Richard A. White, Peter White, Denny Werner, Robert Healy, and Mary Eubanks is the local arrangements chair.
Durham, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh are located in the Piedmont region of North Carolina at three corners of an area known as the Triangle. The Triangle is world-renowned as a home of higher education, extraordinary hospitals, medical research, and technology. Each community has its own unique flavor and pace of life that contributes to the area's ranking as one of the best places to live in the United States. The meeting will be hosted by three botanical gardens at the Triangle's major universities - Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and North Carolina State University.
The lead host institution will be Duke University where most of the activities will be held. Duke University currently enrolls 6,300 undergraduate and 4,500 graduate students representing almost every state and 75 foreign countries. The Sarah P. Duke Gardens, a premier public garden on 55 acres in the heart of the Duke University campus, is renowned for landscape design. Ellen Shipman, a pioneer in American landscape design, planned and directed the garden's construction. It is considered Shipman's greatest work and is recognized as a national architectural treasure. The Sarah P. Duke Gardens include the terraces, H. L. Blomquist Garden of Native Plants representing the flora of the southeastern United States, and the Culberson Asiatic Arboretum. The opening reception on Sunday night and the Distinguished Economic Botanist dinner will be held in the Sarah Duke Gardens' Doris Duke Center.
The North Carolina Botanical Garden at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a leader in southeastern native plant conservation and education. Included in its collections and displays of 7,000 accessions (2,200 species) are natural habitat gardens, an acclaimed collection of carnivorous plants, as well as culinary, economic, medicinal, and poisonous plants, and a Native American garden. Peter White, Director of the North Carolina Botanical Garden, will host an evening event in the garden and lead a field trip to the Green Swamp.
The J. C. Raulston Arboretum at North Carolina State University in Raleigh is a nationally acclaimed garden with the most diverse collection of cold hardy temperate zone plants in the southeastern United States. The 8-acre arboretum is a research and teaching garden with over 5,000 taxa from 50 countries. Denny Werner, Director of the Raulston Arboretum will host the barbecue in the arboretum and lead a field trip to White Pines Nature Preserve in Chatham County.
Registration - On-line conference registration and payment over a secure web site is through Duke University Conference Services, which will also process mailed or faxed registrations. We can accept American Express, Discover Card, Master Card, Visa, cash, check, IRI, and institutional purchase orders. Contact Conference Services point for questions regarding events and/or registrations (; phone 919-660-1760, Fax: 919-660-1769).
On-Campus - Campus Accomodations reservations are now closed.
Dorm rooms in Randolph Residence Hall, one of the new, air-conditioned residence halls on Duke University's East Campus, are $41.10 for a double and $48.30 for a single per night. This includes a linen pack with pillow, 2 sheets, a blanket, 4 towels and 4 washcloths, and a hot breakfast at the Marketplace. Brodie gym on East Campus has an indoor swimming pool, indoor track, basketball courts, aerobics studio, weight training and ping-pong areas, plus a multi-purpose room. Access to these recreational facilities is available for a weekly charge of $35 at the gym. There are many excellent eateries and shops in the 9th Street district within 2 blocks walking distance, and a Whole Foods Market is across the street. Ninth Street is a pedestrian-friendly shopping neighborhood that offers an exceptional blend of locally owned specialty shops (
The official conference hotel is the Millennium Hotel near the Duke University campus. It is a full service hotel with restaurants, bar, heated indoor pool, sundeck and whirlpool, fitness center, close proximity to jogging trails, high-speed internet access, and fully-equipped business center.
The Millennium Hotel (2800 Campus Walk, Durham, NC 27705; Phone: 919-383-8575; is a full-service hotel that is relatively convenient to the Duke campus and offers shuttle service to and from campus and other places within 5 miles of the hotel for a one-time auxiliary fee.
The SEB conference rate is $119 per night plus tax and a $4 auxiliary fee. The meeting rate extends from the period three days before through three days after the Meeting Dates. Book reservations on-line or call 1-800-633-5379. The cut-off date for the conference rate is May 2, 2008.
Airport Transportation
Transportation to and from RDU airport is available upon request through the Hotel Transportation Department or via the Hotel Courtesy phone at baggage claim. Roundtrip is $48.
Meeting Transportation
The Hotel provides complimentary shuttle van service to and from meeting events at Duke University.
The Hotel provides Complimentary parking.
Durham is easily accessible by car from points north and south by Interstate 85, and from points east and west by Interstate 40. All major airlines fly into the Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU). There is also an Amtrak station in Durham.
Passes for parking on the Duke University East Campus, including the Sarah P. Duke Gardens, are $10/wk.
Exhibit booth space, which includes a 6-ft long table, will be available in the foyer and downstairs area of the East Union where attendees will eat lunch and the poster sessions will be held. The corporate rate for the 3-day conference is $1,000.00 and the non-profit rate is $300. Space rental includes a parking pass for East Campus. Setup begins at 8:30 AM Monday June 2 and takedown is by 5 PM on Wednesday June 4. Exhibitors/vendors are encouraged to make reservations early because space is limited. Spaces will be assigned on a first come first serve basis beginning with the prime foyer area. Reservations can be made through Duke Conference Services via the link on the meeting web page.
Symposium: Building a Legacy of Botanical Education and Traditional Knowledge
The featured symposium, "Building a Legacy of Botanical Education and Traditional Knowledge," will bring together scientists and educators to reflect on the current era when the teaching of basic botany and plant sciences is rapidly declining in American universities. We will consider this in the context of economic botany, which encompasses all dimensions of human uses of plants in the past, present, and future, and by its very nature, intersects the intellectual boundaries of a myriad of disciplines in the natural and social sciences. Many universities have associated botanical gardens that can serve as living laboratories where people can connect with nature and learn to appreciate the power and importance of plants in their lives - for their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, as well as for the health and survival of our planet. One focus of this symposium will be to recognize botanical gardens as a valuable educational resource where plant collections, botanical education, plant exploration, and traditional knowledge can be interwoven to create new, relevant, and exciting interdisciplinary undergraduate programs.
Symposium speakers will put the role of gardens in botanical education and conservation into historical perspective, focus on the diverse roles gardens currently play in botanical education, and propose ways gardens can become more involved in classes and programs to preserve the future of botanical knowledge, as well as improve communication about the importance of plants in all aspects of human activities to audiences ranging from university and K-12 students to life-long learners. Economic botany and ethnobotany underscore the relevance and vital nature of plants in the full scope of past, present, and future human activities. The subject is thus a good fit for innovative curricula and programs in 21st century education that emphasize interdisciplinary approaches to education. We will highlight how economic botany at the interface of human-plant interactions offers opportunity for new directions and greater versatility in botanical teaching and research.
The morning format will include a keynote presentation by Dr. Peter Raven, President of the Missouri Botanical Garden and Engelmaan Professor of Botany at Washington University. Dr. Raven is a renowned botanist and conservationist whose leadership has made the Missouri Botanical Garden one of the world's leading centers of plant conservation. Dr. Raven, has authored over 400 articles and 16 books, including the leading botany textbook Biology of Plants, which has been published in five languages. Dr. Raven, who has served as president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a member of the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, and Chairman of the National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration. In 1999, Time magazine recognized Dr. Raven as one of its "Heroes of the Planet" who has done extraordinary things to preserve and protect the environment. Dr. Raven's address will be followed by Dr. Michael Balick, New York Botanical Garden Vice President and Chair of Botanical Science Research and Training. Dr. Balick will talk about how he has employed urban ethnobotany to develop innovative teaching methods that give students first-hand ethnobotanical field experience in New York City. Dr. Robert Bye, Director Emeritus of the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and his collaborator Dr. Edelmira Linares will then provide an international perspective on botanical education. Dr. Bye's and Dr. Linares' educational programs and work with indigenous communities are an exemplar of how botanical gardens with their academic resources and conservation commitments can combine education, research, and community outreach to enhance in situ conservation and revitalize the indigenous knowledge base of native plant use. The morning session will conclude with a presentation by University of Hawaii Professor of Botany Will McClatchey. Dr. McClatchey has been instrumental in establishing the first BS degree offered in Ethnobotany in the United States. Dr. McClatchey will elaborate on the University of Hawaii's NSF-sponsored innovative "Segues to Science" initiative for enhancing undergraduate science education.
At the conclusion of the morning presentations the speakers will form a panel to address questions from the audience and facilitate discussion. There will be opportunity for members of the audience to further engage in small group dialogue at luncheon round tables led by symposium participants. The afternoon session focus will be on teaching courses in economic botany and ethnobotany, and it will be led by Dr. Gail Wagner. Five to six people who teach courses will make a 15 minute presentation of their course syllabi as a backdrop for engaging the audience in feed-back and discussion about teaching.
Contributed papers and poster sessions will be on Tuesday June 3 and Wednesday June 4. The formal proceedings will conclude on June 4 with a dinner at the Doris Duke Center when the 2008 Distinguished Economic Botanist Award will be presented to Drs. Brent and Elois Ann Berlin for their acclaimed work on the medicinal plants of the highland Chiapas Mayan Indians. Dr. Brent Berlin is Graham Perdue Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of Georgia. Since 1999, Dr. Berlin has led a multidisciplinary group of scientists on a long-term project conducting comprehensive medical botany, ethnoecology, and conservation biology research in on of the world's most biologically diverse regions. Dr. Elois Ann Berlin, who is Associate Professor Emerita and Co-Director of the University of Georgia's Laboratories of Ethnobiology, studies the traditional medical beliefs and practices of the highland Maya. The Berlins were instrumental in founding the Latin American Ethnobotanical Garden at the University of Georgia, an interdisciplinary and collaborative effort that grew out of the partnership between the University of Georgia and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur in Chiapas. The purpose of the garden is to highlight the plants of cultural significance in Latin America and focus on attention on the critical need for conservation. The project emphasizes the study of ethnobotany through a variety of related disciplines including anthropology, botany, horticulture, ecology, pharmacology, biochemistry and conservation biology. The major emphasis of the garden is the medicinal plants of the Tzeltal and Tzoztil Maya of Highland Chiapas. The garden is also involved in developing sister garden projects in Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Argentina. These sister garden projects encourage the preservation of ethnobotanical knowledge in the respective countries and provide technical assistance with the establishment and maintenance of ethnobotanical gardens. The Berlins will present an after dinner lecture on their work in Chiapas. The Society for Economic Botany encourages student participation in the scientific program and awards for the best student paper and best student poster are also presented at the dinner.
Round Table Lunches
Two days of contributed papers and poster sessions on June 3 and 4 will follow the daylong symposium. Lunch is included with registration and will be served each day at the Marketplace, which serves fresh, seasonal produce and dairy products from local farmers with emphasis on organic and sustainable farming practices. The dining room has 15 round tables that seat up to 8 people. If anyone would like to lead a round table discussion on a particular topic, please contact Mary Eubanks ( to make arrangements.
Biocultural Diversity in the Land of the Cherokee; May 29-June 1
Organizer: Dr. Karen C. Hall, 864-656-4859 Office; 864-656-3304 Fax;
Enrollment limit: 14
Cost per participant: $375.00 person
Meet in Asheville, NC for a 3-day field trip that starts with a drive to Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest, an old growth 13,000-acre forest in the Southern Appalachians on May 30. This amazing forest has 450-year-old trees with a circumference greater than 20 feet. We'll spend the day talking about the cultural influences that made this forest what it is along with the unique and diverse flora of the region. After the day in Joyce Kilmer, drive to Cherokee for a Cherokee foods picnic dinner followed by a visit to the casino in the evening. The second day of the field trip will take us to Oconaluftee Indian Village, a replica of life as a Cherokee person in the 18th century. The tour will be led by Cherokee people who will discuss and demonstrate various aspects of Cherokee life including spirituality, medicine, basketry, hunting, and governance,. After a brief picnic on the mountain, we'll visit the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Both exhibits have benefited recently from a cultural revitalization movement. In the evening, sit back and enjoy a Cherokee storyteller at dinner. On the third morning, visit 'Talking Trees', part of a Cherokee language interpretive walk in the Oconaluftee Riverside Park, travel by van to the SEB conference at Duke University.
May 29th - Participants arrive at Asheville Regional airport and catch a shuttle to the motel (group rates negotiated). A contact information sheet will be presented to each party arriving-participants will be asked to check in with Karen Hall upon arrival.
May 30th - Vans will pick participants up at 8:30 and drive to Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest. Lunch will be provided (Box lunches in vans) for this ~3 hour drive due to arrive around lunchtime. Dr. Hall will present a walking tour of the park covering the biological/cultural history including a theory of the big trees' size related to Native American influence. After a tour of this area, we will drive back to Cherokee where we'll stay at the Pioneer motel. Dinner will be a collective cookout (included) in the picnic area associated with this motel on the banks of the Oconaluftee River. If folks wish, we'll visit the casino this evening. In addition to the gambling, there is a fine exhibit of Cherokee arts and crafts distributed throughout the attached convention center.
May 31st - Breakfast (on your own), then proceed on to the Oconaluftee Indian Village ( This replica 18th century village is a guided walking tour through Cherokee history and culture led by Cherokee people. Following the tour, folks may either walk back through the living exhibit and talk to Cherokee people or exit the tour and walk through the Cherokee Gardens above the exhibit, designed by landscape architect Doan Ogden, but incorporating many of the plants in use by the Cherokee. Box lunches (included) will be provided at the picnic center slightly lower down this beautiful mountain. Following lunch, visit the Museum of the Cherokee Indian (, associated gift shop and Qualla Arts and Crafts, an artists' cooperative. In the evening, drive to dinner (included) at the Fryemont Inn and be treated to a presentation by a Cherokee storyteller.
June 1st - In the morning, make a brief stop at the Oconaluftee River Park. This park, situated in the middle of the River, has a series of 'talking trees'. Names of trees can be heard spoken in Cherokee and in English. After this, proceed to Duke University, stopping for lunch (on your own) on the way.
Logistical Considerations - Hiking in Joyce Kilmer is easy to moderate. The trail we'll be on is a 2-mile loop that allows us to see the record popular and other old growth trees. Wheelchair accessibility not known. The museum is wheelchair accessible. The Oconaluftee Indian village and Cherokee Garden will have limited wheelchair accessibility. Participants should bring hiking gear (appropriate shoes, backpack) and binoculars, hand lens, camera if desired. Sunscreen and bug spray are appropriate and recommended for this time of year. Water will be provided.
Land Use and Research History of the Duke Forest, Sunday June 1, 2-5 PM
Organizer: Judson Edeburn, Duke Forest Resource Manager (919-613-8013,
Enrollment limit: 25
Sturdy shoes and raingear are recommended for short walks over gentle terrain.
Cost per person: $15.00, includes transportation, water and snacks
The 7,000 acre Duke Forest has been managed for research and teaching purposes since 1931. The original focus on forestry education and research has since expanded to include a broad range of studies in the ecological and environmental sciences. In terms of size, diversity, accessibility and accumulated long-term data, the Duke Forest is a resource for studies related to forest ecosystems and the environment that is unrivaled at few other locations. The field trip will focus on the forest's history, agricultural legacy and research topics throughout the years. Current research sites, including stream biogeochemistry, Forest Atmosphere Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) and wireless measurement of environmental change will be visited.
Tobacco: The Plant the Built Durham (and Duke), June 5, 9AM-1PM
Organizer: Professor Robert Healy, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences; Phone: (919) 416-4563, Email:
Enrollment limit: 22
Short walk, golf cart available
Cost per person: $20
During the last quarter of the 19th century, Durham was one of the fastest growing and most prosperous cities in the South. Its economy was based on the growing, selling and manufacture of Carolina Gold, the mild, flue cured tobacco characteristic of the North Carolina and Virginia Piedmont. The most powerful of all the families associated with the tobacco industry was the Dukes, who at one time controlled 90 percent of the U.S. cigarette market. This tour drives through Durham's old downtown, where the now closed tobacco factories show new life as apartments and offices. We spend the morning at Duke Homestead, a North Carolina Historic Site, which includes the Duke's 1870s tobacco farm and a museum on the history of tobacco and the tobacco industry. Finish with a picnic lunch at the Homestead.
SEEDS, Inc., June 5, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM
Organizer: Brenda Brodie (Phone: 919-683-1197;
Enrollment limit: 20
Cost per person: $15
Come and see how a local nonprofit teaches gardening and food practices.
Established in 1994 SEEDS' (SouthEastern Efforts Developing Sustainable Spaces) mission is to teach people to care for the earth and each other through garden- based programs. See permaculture and slow food principles put into action. Meet staff, volunteers, and at-risk youth who grow flowers and vegetables that are sold at Durham's Farmers' Market. Enjoy a lunch that is local and seasonal. Be part of a place for people of all ages and backgrounds to gather, learn and celebrate.
White Pines Nature Preserve, June 5, 8 AM-2:30 PM
Organizers: Jesse Perry, Director of Public Programs for the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences (, and Dennis Werner
Enrollment limit: 18
Special needs: Hiking in moderately challenging terrain; bring cooler with bottled water; no restroom facilities on site, will make rest stops in Pittsboro
Cost per person: $25, covers transportation only, does not include lunch
The 258-acre White Pines Nature Preserve is at the confluence of the Deep River and Rocky River in Chatham County, North Carolina. It is home to federally endangered plant and fish species and is the most biologically significant property of the Triangle Land Conservancy. The preserve has several stands of white pines, a tree normally found in the cooler climate of the mountains. Some are over 150 years old and more than 30 inches in diameter. The forest is also host to the Catawba rhododendron, 200-year-old beech trees, many wild flowers, and 55 species of birds. It will take one hour to drive from Duke to the site. We will stop for lunch in Pittsboro and arrive back at Duke around 2:30.
Organic Farm Tour, June 5, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Organizers: Dr. Nancy Creamer, Director, North Carolina State University Center for Environmental Farming Systems (919-515-9447, and Debbie Roos, Chatham County Extension, (919-542-8202,
Enrollment limit: 50
Special needs: personal gear as needed.
Cost per person: $40.00, includes transportation and lunch
The tour includes stops at two farms and a biofuels facility. The first stop will be at Peregrine Farms, a small 5-acre farm that grows a wide variety of vegetables and flowers. Owners Alex and Betsy Hitt were awarded the Patrick Madden national sustainable agriculture farmers of the year award in 2006 representing the southern region. From Debbie Roos' Growing Small Farms website… "When they began farming in 1981, the Hitts cultivated five acres and set a goal of going smaller without sacrificing income. Over the years, they have reduced acreage and labor by improving their soil with cover crops, concentrating on high-value crops that grow well in the area, and direct marketing through the Carrboro Farmers' Market and Weaver Street Market, a cooperative grocery store. Each acre returns a minimum of $20,000 annually, while four high-tunnel greenhouses bring in at least $1,000 per crop. The Hitts embrace their small scale, growing 80 varieties of 23 vegetables along with 164 varieties of cut flowers on just three acres. Betsy, who concentrates on the flower half of the farm, says Canterbury Bells and lisianthus draw the most customers due to their clear bright colors and long vase life."
Next will be Harland's Creek Farm (, a certified organic farm located four miles west of Pittsboro North Carolina. The Alston-Degraffenried House, a national historic site, is on the farm (where we will eat a local, organic lunch). Owner/operator Judy Lessler grows and sells flowers, produce, and herbs. In addition the farm is available for weddings and other events. They sell their produce, flowers, and herbs at the Durham Farmer's Market and the Moore Square Farmer's Market in Raleigh NC. In addition, they have three CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture groups) that provide produce or flowers on a subscription basis.
We will also visit the site of Piedmont Biofuels Industrial. Piedmont Biofuels' mission is to lead the grassroots sustainability movement in North Carolina by using and encouraging the use of clean, renewable biofuels. The organization offers a variety of valuable services to the community: they produce and sell 100% biodiesel fuel to members throughout the Triangle region. They also design and build biodiesel reactors for clients across the U.S. Piedmont Biofuels' staffers created the biodiesel program at the Pittsboro campus of Central Carolina Community College, where students can learn about all aspects of biodiesel production. Piedmont Biofuels' staff also travels around the country lecturing to groups interested in renewable energy. In the fall of 2006, Piedmont Biofuels opened up their new commercial biodiesel plant with the capacity to produce one million gallons of biodiesel. Their goal is to be able to produce/collect feedstocks from within 100 miles of Pittsboro, and to distribute the fuel out to that same 100 miles. Piedmont Biofuels Industrial is one of the demonstration sites for a Pollinator Conservation and Biodiversity project led by Chatham County extension agent Debbie Roos. We will see how the Piedmont Biofuels lawn was replaced with mostly native plants that attract pollinators. We will also hear about the area's thriving organic agriculture community from Debbie, who has one national awards for her website ( and her outreach and support of the producers.
Green Swamp Preserve, June 5, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Trip Leaders: Peter White, Director North Carolina Botanical Garden (919-962-0522; and Alan Weakley, UNC Herbarium (919-962-0578;
Enrollment limit: 25
Cost per person: $24
Easy hike in gentle terrain.
This is an all day field trip to the very species rich longleaf pine savannahs, pocosins, and other habitats of the North Carolina coastal plain. The Nature Conservancy's Green Swamp Preserve presents some of the finest examples of these habitats that remain anywhere in the Southeast. The Preserve contains 14 species of carnivorous plants including a potential highlight for any botanist's life: seeing the unique Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) in the wild!
Google Earth for Ethnobotanists, Thursday June 5, 9:30-11:30 AM
Organizer: Dr. Kim Bridges (
Enrollment limit: 24
No charge
Dr. Kim Bridges, Department of Botany, University of Hawaii, will lead this workshop in cooperation with the Duke University Office of Information Technology in the OIT teaching classroom. The workshop will be a hands-on experience with Google Earth. Demonstrations and exercises start with the basic features of Google Earth and extend to a variety of tasks that are helpful to ethnobotanists.
o Exploring Google Earth Basics: Finding a place, altering the view, and obtaining the location and elevation
o Recording and annotating research locations
o Sharing location information across the Internet
o Capturing Google Earth for use in PowerPoint presentations
o Linking a GPS to Google Earth: How to uploading and view Waypoints and Tracks
o Measuring distances & areas
o Adding photographs to Google Earth: Welcome to Panoramio
o Adding data overlays: Loading maps from Google searches and creating your own data overlays
o Using Google Earth without the Internet
o Traveling Google Earth in real-time with a GPS
o Tracking Google Earth in the blogosphere: How to find out about new features and capabilities
Ethnobotanical Laboratory Activities, Thursday June 5, 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Organizer: Dr. Linda Lyons, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Montana Western (Phone: 406-683-7075; email:
Enrollment limit: 21
Materials fee: $30.00
The workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to learn hands-on teaching techniques that can be coordinated directly into their classrooms. Participants will have the option of rotating through interactive teaching technique stations where they will leave the station with the ability, and in some cases materials, to apply the technique in the classroom. For example, one station might demonstrate how to use a talking book in the field with illiterate children to introduce them to medicinal plants common in their area. The station coordinator would then aid the group in assembling their own individual books, so they understand how to employ the technique in their own educational setting. Another station might show participants an interactive technique to introduce the theory or Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) to their students.
Station coordinators will be competitively selected to present a technique that would work with students from the K-12 to the graduate educational level. Criteria for selection to present a station will be based on usefulness of technique to given audience, applicability to ethnobotany, and feasibility to present and demonstrate technique in 45 minutes. Participants will rotate through each of the 5 stations. Each coordinator will have approximately 45 minutes with each group of participants as they rotate throughout the stations. To learn more about this workshop or if you are interested in being a station coordinator, please contact Dr. Lyons.