The Society for Ethnobotany

Fostering research and education on the past, present, and future uses of plants by people.

Economic Botany 2013

News Updates

Schedule at a Glance

Pre-Conference Information | Schedule at a Glance (pdf) | Scientific Program | Symposium Abstract | Workshop Abstracts | Index of Posters


Registration for workshops, Pecha Kucha
Please Register by May 17 or  June 10 as Indicated

You may now register for free workshops, Pecha Kucha, and pre-conference events at Kew Royal Botanic Gardens (London). Scroll through the options or click on the item listed below to be taken to its section in the list below.

1) Kew (London), Thursday 27 June, morning, (free) tours

2) Kew (London), Thursday 27 June, afternoon, Biocultural Collections meeting

3) Open Science Network Bus from London (Kew) to Plymouth on June 27

4) SEB Workshops (Plymouth), Saturday 29 June, afternoon

5) Pecha Kucha (Plymouth), Sunday 30 June, late afternoon

6) Photography workshop (Plymouth), Monday 1 July, early morning


1) Kew pre-conference field trip signup. Conference registrants are invited to visit Kew Gardens (Thursday, June 27), in west London, before travelling to Plymouth for the SEB meeting.

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, were founded in 1759 and cover 300 acres with varied gardens, glasshouses, galleries and vistas. The “IncrEdibles: A voyage through surprising edible plants” festival will be in progress. Kew also houses several hundred plant scientists and the behind-the-scenes tours will focus on aspects of their work on useful plants.

Two special free options for SEB 2013 attendees are available by email signup:
A) Self-guided tour of the public parts of the Gardens, entering free via the Herbarium Gate only between 9.30 – 11.00 am. Open to conference registrants including companions and children. After this time, you must pay to enter at a regular gate.
B) Behind-the-scenes tours, followed by self-guided tours of the Gardens. Open free to registrants but (for reasons of space) excluding companions and children. Meeting point: Herbarium Gate, 10.45 am. These tours end by 12.30 pm.

Please read the KEW FEILDTRIP SIGNUP DOCUMENT to find out how to sign up for this opportunity! Please follow the instructions carefully!

2) Kew biocultural collections meeting on June 27th signup. Please read the MEETING SIGNUP DOCUMENT and respond if you wish to attend.

3) The Open Science Network in Ethnobiology (OSN) has reserved a private 48 seater Coach (with toilet) for traveling from London to the SEB proceedings in Plymouth, England. This service will be departing on June 27th from Kew Gardens at 4:15 pm. The group will meet at the Elizabeth Gate of Kew Gardens, on Kew Green, Postcode TW9 3AB. Please be sure to be at the departure location by 4:00 pm. We will be stopping along the way so riders can purchase snacks and take a break however, it is strongly encouraged that you bring snacks with you for this journey.   

At this time, all the available tickets have been sold.

Please note that each traveler will need to check in with April Sawey on the day of departure and give her a copy printed copy of your ticket. If you have any further question about this transportation please contact April Sawey (

Thanks! Keri

4) SEB 2013 WORKSHOP REGISTRATION - Deadline for online sign-up is June 10

Please read the WORKSHOP SIGNUP DOCUMENT for updated and expanded workshop descriptions. Remember, you may sign up for EITHER [one workshop from A] OR [one workshop from B AND one workshop from C]. Please note that the date/time of your email application will determine priority in joining a workshop. You may also sign up for workshops at conference registration, but realize that some may already have closed out via online pre-registration.

A Workshops, 13:45-17:00
The Moulding of Culture Through Paper, led by Karen Hall   limit 24

Modules & Mainstreaming Training in Ethnoecology, led by Manuel Guariguata, Heather McMillen, and Tony Cunningham   limit 20

B Workshops, 13:45-15:15
Ethnobotany at Home: The Biogeography of the Family Dinner, led by Nanci Ross and Keri Barfield   limit 30

The Antioxidant Properties of Teas, led by Maria Donkin   limit 20

Plants and People in Victorian England, led by Luis Carvalho and Francisca Maria Fernandes   limit 25

Ethnobotanical Research on Medicinal Plant Trade: A Discussion of Practical, Ethical, and Conceptual Issues, led by Jn van der Valk and Laura Rohs   limit 20

Sharing Research Data, led by Veerle Van den Eynden   limit 30

Getting Our Lessons Across to Students, led by Cassandra Quave   limit 50

C Workshops, 15:30-17:00
What Do We Want Students to Know – And Are We Getting it Across?  led by Sunshine Brosi and Cassandra Quave   limit 30

How to Write a Scientific Paper, led by Paul Ramsay   limit 50

Phylogenetic Reconstruction and the Use of the Comparative Method, led by Miguel Franco and Cyril Mbeau-Ache   limit 25

Citizen’s Science: Engaging the Public with Plant Conservation, led by Allison Smith   limit 20

Pollinator Syndromes, led by Paola García-Meneses   limit 20

Informal Plant Walk, led by Susanne Masters   limit 25

5) Pecha Kucha - What is Pecha Kucha? Pecha Kucha's are short, inspiring and innovative presentations that consist of 20 images (slides in PowerPoint) for 20 seconds each for a total of 6.6 minutes. Pecha Kucha sessions, devised in 2003, are held with an intentional atmosphere of informality, as a way to encourage conversation and thinking.
Deadline to sign up to give one is May 17. Please follow the instructions in the PECHA KUCHA SIGNUP DOCUMENT.

6) SEB Photography 201 – Last year in Frostburg, we talked about different types of gear as well as about taking “people pictures.” This year, it’s all about the people and places we’ll visit in and around Plymouth. In particular, we like to focus on the event later in the day at the EDEN PROJECT

Join us for breakfast, a short discussion re the day’s event at Eden, and ideas for taking great “people pictures.” Once we have a list of those interested in taking part, we’ll begin emailing you a few resources we’d recommend you view before coming to the meeting, and England. We hope to see you there. To register, please send an email to

The Eden Project
Eden aerial view by Ben Foster

Biking through the Salisbury Plains
Biking through the Salisbury Plains

Newquay Resort, Cornwall
Newquay Resort, Cornwall


Plan NOW and be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime event!

Plymouth University, Plymouth, England

June 28 - July 2

Arrive early and stay late to enjoy this amazing area. Take part in the pre-conference trip to KEW Gardens Thusday, June 27th and/or two pre-conference workshops at KEW: Economic Botany Data Standard, June 27th and an EU-funded workshop on biocultural collections, June 24th & 25th.

The 54th annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany will gather June 28th through July 2nd, 2013, at Plymouth University in Plymouth, southwestern England. The theme of the invited symposium is:

“What is Our Message – And Are We Getting it Across?”

The conference will begin with optional pre-conference field trips concurrent with the Council meeting on Friday, June 28th. Details of pre- and post-conference optional field trips are still being finalized. Paper and symposium presentations begin on Saturday, June 29th and continue through Tuesday, July 2nd.


Meeting Registration and Housing NOW OPEN

First Great Western (train from London) offer us reduced return ticket rates in getting to/from our Plymouth event.


Biking through the English countryside
Biking through the English countryside




Tentative Schedule, Pre-Conference
Mon & Tues, June 24th, 25th, EU-funded workshop on biocultural collections, Kew Gardens
Wednesday, June 26th, OSN Annual Meeting, Kew Gardens
Thursday, June 27th, Economic Botany Data Standard, Kew Gardens
Thursday, June 27th, SEB FEILD TRIP, Kew Gardens

Tentative Schedule, Conference
Friday, June 28th, Field Trips, Council Meeting, Evening Conference Opening & Social
Saturday, June 29th, Symposium, Workshops, Student Mixer           
Sunday, June 30th, Conference
Monday, July 1st, Society-wide EDEN Field Trip
Tuesday, July 2nd, Conference, Banquet & Social

Registration Costs    
Professional Member (early)   £250
Professional Member (late)   £300
Student Member (early)   £125
Student Member (late)   £165
Non-Member (early)   £290
Non-Member (late)   £340
Day Pass   £120
Companion   £135
Tuesday Night Banquet at Aquarium   Included in Registration
Additional Items for Purchase    
  * Tamar Valley, Field Trip A   £16
  * Buckland/Garden House, Field Trip C   £28
  * Includes Lunch    
Sponsors - Kew Gardens and BRIT

The 54th annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany will gather June 28th through July 2nd, 2013, at Plymouth University in Plymouth, southwestern England. The conference includes an invited symposium as well as contributed papers, posters, and workshops. Sir Ghillean Prance will open the invited symposium, “What is Our Message – And Are We Getting it Across?”. The conference will begin with optional pre-conference field trips on Thursday and Friday, June 27-28. The Council meeting is on Friday, June 28th. Paper and symposium presentations begin on Saturday, June 29th and continue through Tuesday, July 2nd. This year the conference features an included mid-conference all-day field trip to nearby Eden Project ( on Monday, July 1st. To promote more active participation and interaction during the conference, hands-on workshops, discussions, or in-town mini-trips will be available on several afternoons.

Although details of the optional pre-conference field trips are still being finalized, we can report on the broad picture of what will be offered. Begin your trip to Plymouth by spending Thursday, June 27th, at Kew Botanic Gardens ( in London! We will offer a variety of behind-the-scenes tours just for SEB members throughout the day, and provide a place for you to stash luggage if you wish to leave directly from Kew to Plymouth. We recommend you take a late afternoon train (3.5-5.0 hours) to Plymouth ( On Friday, June 28th, a variety of tours to attractions near Plymouth will be offered (while the Council meets). However, some will have very limited capacity due to narrow country roads and small access areas, so be sure to register early to obtain a booking with your first choice. Please note that not all optional fieldtrips will be handicapped accessible.

Field Trip A: Grow Local, hosted by Simon Platten and Andrew Ormerod ( . Head north from Plymouth to visit local community groups and individuals in the Tamar valley ( We’ll visit people who promote vegetable and fruit (especially apple) production as well as preserve heritage varieties. These growers operate on a small scale for self consumption or local markets. Capacity will be limited to around 20 participants.

Field Trip C: Historic Gardens. Head north from Plymouth to visit 700-year-old Buckland Abbey (more recently home to Sir Francis Drake) ( and The Garden House ( If you love exploring gardens and taking pictures of flowers and scenery, this is the trip for you! Guided tours will be offered. Capacity will be large.

You will have the choice of booking University dormitory rooms or rooms at a special conference rate at the local Jury’s Inn through conference registration, and of course you may always book your own hotel. Dormitory rooms are en-suite singles (bathroom included) for ₤38/night including breakfast and VAT (tax). If you have trouble with stairs, make sure you request the lower floor (3 stories). Regular dormitory check-in is 8 am – 10 pm, but check-in can be arranged at other times. At present the nearby conference hotel has single occupancy rooms at ₤72/night, and double occupancy in twin-bedded rooms (some with a couchette for a third person) at ₤79/night including one breakfast.

Explore Plymouth University: (
Explore the town of Plymouth: (

Plan now to make this special trip and join your SEB family in exploring and celebrating ethnobotany!